About Me

Featured Projects

  • RailPod Data Portal - A site that displays and visualizes railroad track inspection data for analysis.


Free Tools

Links to some of the most popular free tools I've developed are listed below.

  • COBOL Working Storage Generator - Use this to set up your working storage fields visually using a clickable/draggable interface. This will generate the code for you. Useful for creating report headers.
  • CICS Map Generator - Build CICS maps visually using a clickable/draggable interface. Position fields exactly where you want them, modify their properties, and this will generate your map code. It will even parse your existing code so you don't have to start from scratch.
  • Clockstr: The Kronos Clock-Out Calculator - Use this to calculate your 'window of opportunity' to clock in and out on a Kronos time-tracking system and avoid accidental overtime/undertime at work due to time rounding.
